Can’t believe I am back from my trip already. The four days in Phuket passed by in a heart beat. I went up to attend a wedding of an old friend from Oz at the Banyan Tree. It is such a chore flying Air Asia. Sure the bus ride is cheaper than the KLIA express but it also takes twice as long. After finding out the bus leaves frequently, we went off in search of food. We ended up in Kenny Rogers as a tribute to our Kuching friend who would visit turn up at KR every Sunday for her Sunday roast. For rm13.99 you get a quarter roast chicken, choice of 3 side dishes and a muffin. I chose the coleslaw, garden salad and mac & cheese. The coleslaw was nice and crisp but the mac & cheese was disappointing. I was really looking forward to the thick, bright orange cheese sauce but all I got was watery macaroni. The muffin was pretty awful too. When did they change from the corn muffin? Well, I don’t think I will be going back to KR for a long time. We arrived at LCC an hour before the flight. Not surprisingly, our flight was delayed. On the plane, while I was having a nap, Homo ordered a nasi lemak and I woke up just in time to have a bite of rice and peanuts. Not bad for airplane food.

Felt like it took forever to get to our little resort on Layan Beach. The cabbie got lost but we got there in the end, in one piece but a little car sick. Our room had a nice view of the sea but we barely had time to rest because we had to go meet the bride and girls for dinner at
Lim’s. Forty minutes later, we arrived at Holiday Inn in Patong to meet Kuching and Will for a drink. We were so late for dinner! Typical Malaysians! The Holiday Inn had been revamped as it was one of the many hotels hit by the Tsunami. It was definitely not what I was expecting from the Holiday Inn! So trendy and gaya! Lim’s is a small restaurant run by a gay couple. It’s also part art gallery and they make delicious cocktails. It was great catching up with my friends I haven’t seen in years as well as meeting new ones. I have to say, I also felt old. These are some people I met when I was fifteen. Mags, the maid of honour, did a fantastic job of ordering a seemingly endless supply of salads, curries and stir-frys. I was ready to burst and looked forward to nothing more than to lie down and fall asleep.
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