I Want to Win an Awesome Tropical Island Holiday with Cikipedia!

I’m participating in Cikipedia’s Healthy Getaway Weekend!

How could I resist the lovely Ciki tempting me with a chance to win a lovely holiday at the gorgeous Pangkor Laut resort. Flashes of Ciki running slow motion on the beach in her bikini come to mind. A poster child for hotness and health rolled into one. Funnily enough, Hunky and I were just talking about taking Her Madesty to Pangkor Laut for a holiday. Neither of us have ever been so this is meant to be!

If you've been following my last few posts then you will know I've been doing the Atkins thing while exercising to shed the post baby weight. But seriously, if you ever need to lose baby weight fast, don't hire a maid. Have no help at all and you will see the lbs melt away faster than butter on a hot pan. I was only 3kg away from my pre-baby body when ch-ch-chang! I got a maid. Fast forward 9 months later, I was back to my full-term pregnancy weight!

So HM is now 1.5 years old and I am back to my original weight. Kinda fat but fit, thats how I see myself. Hey, not every skinny person is fit. I'm nowhere near slim but I bet I can out jog, out box and out pole your flabby, skinny ass. Yes, thats my weekly excrcise regime. I kickbox, TRX or do various isometric exercises with my trainer once or twice a week. In between, I pole dance 2-3 times a week. Pole dancing is amazing for your core muscles and overall fitness. I see so much improvement in my core compared to when I was only doing the usual sit ups and plank. Oh, and everyday I repeatedly lift and carry a 12.5kg weight called HM. Man, my arms and upper back have never been so firm! :-) 


  1. Bloody hell woman your routine puts me to shame.. well done!! :D

  2. YOU are awesome, woman. When I grow up, I wanna be just like you!

  3. Thanks Ciki but no one compares to youuuuu

    Lyrical Lemongrass - thanks Girl-girl

  4. You are definitely amazing. So plastic and gracious and look even better than before thanks to HM. Enjoy being mum!

  5. btw, our website is now no longer cumidanciki but http://ccfoodtravel.com/ . Please kindly update your blogroll, thanks soooo much! :D xox,mei

  6. Thanks London! And Ciki, done!


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